• Assessment of Relationship between Sediment-Discharge Based on Rainfall Characteristic using SWAT Model
  • Kim Jisu1·Kim Minseok2*·Cho Youngchan2

  • 1Department of Social studies Education, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea
    2Geologic Environment Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources

  • SWAT 모델을 이용한 강우특성 변화에 의한 퇴적물-유출량 간의 관계 평가
  • 김지수1·김민석2*·조용찬2

  • 1전남대학교 일반대학원 사범대학 사회교육학과
    2한국지질자원연구원 지질환경연구본부

  • This article is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The sediment transportation caused by soil erosion due to rainfall-discharge in the large watershed scale plays critical role in human society. The relationship between rainfall-discharge-sediment transportation is depending on the start time of rainfall and end of rainfall but, the studies related with rainfall characteristics are insufficient. In this study, The Soil and Water Assession Tool (SWAT) model was used to study the relationship between rainfall-discharge-sediment transportation at the Sook river watershed which is monitored by the Ministry of Environment. To do this, first of all, the sensitivity analysis about model attributes was performed using monitored data. The accuracy analysis of SWAT model was conducted using the model's efficiency index (Nash and Sutcliffe model efficiency; NSE) and the coefficient of determination (R2). After that, it was studied what results could be obtained according to changes in rainfall timing and end points. In the result of discharge simulation, the modified rainfall values (sum of total rainfall starting time and end time) showed more high accuracy values (R2:0.90, NSE: 0.8) than original rainfall values (R2:0.76, NSE: 0.72). In the result of sediment transportation simulation, during calibration had more resonable results(R2:0.87, NSE: 0.86) than compared with original rainfall values (R2:0.44, NSE: 0.41). However, validation results of sediment transportation simulation showed low accuracy values compared with calibration results. This results maybe cause monitoring periods of sediment flow compared with discharge monitoring periods. Nevertheless, since rainfall characteristic plays critical rule in model results, continuous research on rainfall characteristic is needed.

Keywords: SWAT model, rainfall characteristic, discharge, sediment transport

This Article

  • 2021; 26(6): 118-129

    Published on Dec 31, 2021

  • 10.7857/JSGE.2021.26.6.118
  • Received on Dec 1, 2021
  • Revised on Dec 2, 2021
  • Accepted on Dec 14, 2021

Correspondence to

  • Kim Minseok
  • Geologic Environment Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources

  • E-mail: minseok_kim@kigam.re.kr