• Simultaneous Removal of Heavy Metals and Diesel-fuel from a Soil Column by Surfactant Foam Flushing
  • Heo, Jung-Hyun;Jeong, Seung-Woo;
  • Department of Environmental Engineering, Kunsan National University;Department of Environmental Engineering, Kunsan National University;
  • 계면활성제 거품(Foam)을 이용한 토양칼럼 내 유류 및 중금속 동시 제거 연구
  • 허정현;정승우;
  • 군산대학교 환경공학과;군산대학교 환경공학과;
Simultaneous removal of heavy metals (Cd, Pb) and diesel-fuel from a soil column was evaluated by respectively flushing with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solution, mixture of SDS and sodium iodide (SDS + NaI), and surfactant foam (SDS + NaI foam). First, this study evaluated these flushing methods to the heavy metals only-contaminated soil for removal of heavy metals from the heavy-metal only contaminated soil column. After 7 pore volume flushing of the soil column, Cd removal efficiencies from the soil were 40% by SDS solution, 50% by SDS + NaI mixture, and 60% by surfactant foam. The flushing results implied that anionic surfactant and ligand can be efficiently applied to extraction of Cd from the heavy metal contaminated soil. Furthermore, surfactant foam flushing showed an increased flushing efficiency with enhancing the contact between surfactant solution and soil. However, Pb removal efficiency by these flushing methods did not show any difference unlike those of Cd. Second, this study eventually evaluated flushing methods for simultaneous removal of heavy metals and diesel-fuel from the soil column with 7 pore volume flushing. Diesel-fuel removal efficiencies were 50% by SDS + NaI flushing and 90% by SDS + NaI foam flushing. Cd removal efficiency by the foam flushing reached to 80% which was higher than the result of the previous heavy metals onlycontaminated soil experiment. This result implied that diesel-fuel could act as a metal-solvent while it contacted to heavy metals present in the soil. This study clearly showed that surfactant foam flushing simultaneously removed heavy metals and diesel fuel from the soil column.

Keywords: Soil flushing;Surfactant;Heavy metal;Fuel;Foam;

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