• Status and Implications of Regulatory Frameworks for Environmental Management of Geologic CO2 Storage in USA and EU
  • Jang, Eunseon;Yun, Seong-Taek;Choi, Byoung-Young;Chung, David;Kang, Hun;
  • KU-KIST Green School, Korea University;KU-KIST Green School, Korea University;Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea University;National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER);Department of Environmental and Energy Engineering, The University of Suwon;
  • 이산화탄소 지중저장의 환경 관리를 위한 미국과 유럽연합의 법·제도 현황과 시사점
  • 장은선;윤성택;최병영;정다위;강헌;
  • 고려대학교.한국과학기술연구원 에너지.환경 정책.기술학과;고려대학교.한국과학기술연구원 에너지.환경 정책.기술학과;고려대학교 지구환경과학과;국립환경과학원;수원대학교 환경에너지공학과;
Though geologic storage of $CO_2$ (GS) is considered as an attractive technological option to enormously reduce greenhouse gases emission into the atmosphere, many concerns on potential environmental and health risks associated with $CO_2$ leakage have been raised. In particular, groundwater contamination due to the brine displacement by a pressure build-up and the acidification by leaked $CO_2$ is paid a special attention. Therefore, integrated regulatory frameworks have been established by law in many countries to secure the permanent containment of injected $CO_2$. Regulatory frameworks deal with entire processes of GS, including site selection, monitoring and post-closure environmental management. This review paper provides a summary of regulatory frameworks in USA (U.S. EPA Geologic Sequestration Rule) and EU (Geologic $CO_2$ Sequestration Directive). The regulatory framework to properly address environmental issues should be established for the deployment of CCS projects in Korea.

Keywords: Geologic $CO_2$ storage;$CO_2$ leakage;environmental regulatory framework;USA and EU;

This Article

  • 2012; 17(6): 9-22

    Published on Dec 31, 2012

  • 10.7857/JSGE.2012.17.6.009
  • Received on Nov 23, 2012
  • Revised on Dec 26, 2012
  • Accepted on Dec 26, 2012

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