• A Study of Efficient Removal of 2-Methylisoborneol and Geosmin by Pulsed Ultraviolet and Ultrasound
  • Han, Jonghun;Hur, Jiyong;Kim, Kangwook;Lee, Junyoung;Park, Wonseok;Lee, Jongyeol;Her, Namguk;
  • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Army Academy at Young-Cheon;Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Army Academy at Young-Cheon;Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Army Academy at Young-Cheon;Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Army Academy at Young-Cheon;Beautiful Environmental Construction Co., Ltd.;Beautiful Environmental Construction Co., Ltd.;Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Army Academy at Young-Cheon;
  • 효율적인 2-Methylisoborneol, Geosmin의 제거를 위한 Pulsed UV 공정과 Ultrasound 공정의 비교 연구
  • 한종훈;허지용;김강욱;이준영;박원석;이종열;허남국;
  • 육군3사관학교;육군3사관학교;육군3사관학교;육군3사관학교;아름다운환경건설;아름다운환경건설;육군3사관학교;
The degradation of off-flavors which is 2-Methylisoborneol (2-MIB) and geosmin by means of ultrasound (US) and pulsed ultraviolet (PUV) irradiation and its combination with catalyst (wire mesh, wire mesh coated TiO2, and TiO2) and additive (H2O2) were investigated via water system. A combination treatment of TiO2 and H2O2 heterogeneity with US (24 kHz) and PUV (6000 W) has shown improved results in destroying 2-MIB and geosmin, which may be attributed to chain reactions by the enhanced formation of hydroxyl radicals (·OH) through H2O2 dissociation and reactive oxide ions of TiO2 addition. Rapid degradation of off-flavors occurred within 2 min under PUV process with H2O2 100 mg/L (81.5% for 2- MIB; 79.3% for geosmin) and TiO2 100 mg/L (83.7% for 2-MIB; 79.8% for geosmin), while compared with H2O2 100 mg/L (58.4% for 2-MIB; 58.0% for geosmin) and TiO2 100 mg/L (59.2% for 2-MIB; 38.5% for geosmin) within 5 min under US process. Surprisingly, the emphasis was given on the comparison with the same injected energies between PUV and US on degradation efficiency. Based on the injected energy comparison, the US provided better degradation performance under equal input power of 200 kJ with H2O2 100 mg/L, while compared with H2O2 100 mg/L under PUV process. Our findings suggest that US can be more effective compared to PUV for the degradation of off-flavors in aspect of energy consumptions.

Keywords: 2-Methylisoborneol;Geosmin;Catalyst;Pulsed ultraviolet;Ultrasound;

This Article

  • 2015; 20(4): 1-7

    Published on Aug 31, 2015

  • 10.7857/JSGE.2015.20.4.001
  • Received on Dec 6, 2014
  • Revised on Mar 6, 2015
  • Accepted on Jul 27, 2015

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