• A Study on Types of Groundwater Use and Proposal for Reasonable Use in Korea
  • Kim, Hyoung-Soo;
  • JUNGWON University, Dept. of Renewable Energy;
  • 우리나라 지하수 이용 형태 고찰과 합리적 활용 방안에 대한 연구
  • 김형수;
  • 중원대학교 신재생에너지학과;
Groundwater accounts for more than 10% of the total water supply in Korea. However, the contribution of groundwater to public water supply systems has been poorly played role throughout the country except for Jeju Island. Compared with the groundwater uses in foreign countries, the pattern of groundwater use in Korea seems to be very deformed and unreasonable. Currently, the development and use of groundwater in Korea are mostly carried out by the individuals, and public sectors such as central and local governments are not actively involved in such activities. Private groundwater use and management will continue to cause groundwater depletion and pollution problems. It is necessary to actively enhance the role of public authorities in groundwater managements by engaging precise hydrogeological surveys and proper economic evaluation in the development and operation of groundwater sources. Also, in order to solve the problems that public water supply systems overly rely on the surface water sources, it is necessary to take policies that require the water supply companies to secure a variety of water sources.

Keywords: Public water supply;Types of groundwater use;Sources of water intake;Groundwater policy;Korea;

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