• Assessment of Water Pollution by Discharge of Abandoned Mines
  • Kim Hee-Joung;Yang Jay-E.;Ok Yong-Sik;Lee Jai-Young;Park Byung-Kil;Kong Sung-Ho;Jun Sang-Ho;
  • Department of Environmental Science, Kangwon National University;Division of Biological Environment, Kangwon National University;Division of Biological Environment, Kangwon National University;Department of Environmental Eng., University of Seoul;Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University;Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University;Department of Environmental Science, Kangwon National University;
  • 휴폐광산 지역에서 유출되는 하천수의 오염도 평가
  • 김휘중;양재의;옥용식;이재영;박병길;공성호;전상호;
  • 강원대학교 환경과학과;강원대학교 생물환경학부;강원대학교 생물환경학부;서울시립대학교 환경공학부;한양대학교 화학공학과;한양대학교 화학공학과;강원대학교 환경과학과;
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This Article

  • 2005; 10(5): 25-36

    Published on Oct 1, 2005

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