• Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Impacts of Fault Existence on Groundwater Flow and Salt Transport in a Coastal Aquifer, Buan, Korea
  • Park, Ju-Hyun;Kihm, Jung-Hwi;Kim, Han-Tae;Kim, Jun-Mo;
  • School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University;School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University;Department of Water Resources Research, Korea Institute of Construction Technology;School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University;
  • 한국 부안 지역 해안 대수층 내의 지하수 유동 및 염분 이동에 대한 단층 존재의 영향 삼차원 수치 모의
  • 박주현;김중휘;김한태;김준모;
  • 서울대학교 지구환경과학부;서울대학교 지구환경과학부;한국건설기술연구원 수자원연구부;서울대학교 지구환경과학부;
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This Article

  • 2008; 13(5): 33-46

    Published on Oct 31, 2008

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