• A Preliminary Study for Microwave Application to Energy Efficient Contaminated Soil Cleanup
  • Ham, Seok-Jin;Yang, In-Ho;Oh, Hyun-Sang;Cho, Hyeon-Jo;Kim, Gun-In;Jeong, Sang-Jo;
  • Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Korea Military Academy;School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University;Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Korea Military Academy;Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Korea Military Academy;Department of Weapons and Mechanical Engineering, Korea Military Academy;Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Korea Military Academy;
  • 마이크로파를 적용한 에너지 효율적인 오염토양 정화를 위한 예비연구
  • 함석진;양인호;오현상;조현조;김건인;정상조;
  • 육군사관학교 건설환경학과;서울대학교 지구환경과학부;육군사관학교 건설환경학과;육군사관학교 건설환경학과;육군사관학교 무기기계공학과;육군사관학교 건설환경학과;
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