• Improvement of Detailed Soil Survey Guidance through the New Site Classification System and Reinforcement of Exploratory Soil Survey
  • Kwon, Ji Cheol;Lee, Goontaek;Hwang, Sang-il;Kim, Tae Seung;Yoon, Jeong-Ki;Kim, Ji-in;
  • NICEM, Seoul National University;NICEM, Seoul National University;Korea Environment Institute;National Institute of Environmental Research;National Institute of Environmental Research;National Institute of Environmental Research;
  • 조사 대상 부지 신규 분류 체계 제안 및 개황조사 강화를 통한 토양정밀조사 방법 개선 연구
  • 권지철;이군택;황상일;김태승;윤정기;김지인;
  • 서울대학교 농생명과학공동기기원;서울대학교 농생명과학공동기기원;한국환경정책&;#xB7;평가연구원;국립환경과학원;
This study suggested the new site classification system according to land use, type of contamination and contaminants. Because the present site classification system can not cover all the areas, we changed the concept of land use to more detail one and enlarged the concept of other areas to cover all the areas not defined as certain land use. In case of the present industrial area, it was merged as other areas to avoid the confusion with oil and toxic material storage tank farm area. Accident area was separated from other areas and defined as only accident area caused by the mobile storage facility. In addition to classify the sites according to the basic land use, we classify the sites again in lower level according to the type of contamination and contaminants. With this classification system, we proposed different soil sampling strategy with the consideration of the origin of contamination and the interactions between soil and contaminants. We removed the surface soil sample (0~15 cm depth) around above storage tank because it was not a effective sample to assess whether that area contaminated or not. We also proposed to take the deeper soil samples at minimum three sampling points to confirm the depth of contamination in exploratory soil survey. We also proposed to remove the one point of 15 m depth sampling because it is not effective to confirm contaminated soil depth and needs the exhausted labor and cost. Instead of doing this, we added the continuous sampling to uncontaminated subsoil. Soil sampling points and depth in detailed soil survey is determined based on the results of exploratory soil survey. Therefore, effectiveness and reinforcements of exploratory soil survey would play an important role in improving the reliability of detailed soil survey.

Keywords: Detailed soil survey;Exploratory soil survey;Sites classification;Soil sampling;

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This Article

  • 2015; 20(7): 53-60

    Published on Dec 31, 2015

  • 10.7857/JSGE.2015.20.7.053
  • Received on Jul 16, 2015
  • Revised on Aug 3, 2015
  • Accepted on Aug 26, 2015