• A Study on Anaerobic Biodegradation of MTBE and BTEX by Indigenous Microorganisms
  • Chung, Woo-Jin;Chang, Soon-Woong;
  • Department of Environmental Energy Engineering Graduate School of Kyonggi Universitry;Department of Environmental Energy Engineering of Kyonggi University;
  • 토착 미생물을 이용한 MTBE와 BTEX의 혐기성 생분해 연구
  • 정우진;장순웅;
  • 경기대학교 일반대학원 환경에너지공학과;경기대학교 환경에너지공학과;
The simultaneous biodegradation between MTBE (Gasoline additives) and BTEX (Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl-benzene, o-Xylene, m-Xylene, p-Xylene) was achieved within a competitive inter-relationship, with not only electron accepters such as nitrate, sulfate, and iron(III) without oxygen, but also with electron donors such as MTBE and BTEX. Preexisting indigenous microorganisms from a domestic sample of gasoline contaminated soil was used for a lab-scale batch test. The result of the test showed that the biodegradation rate of MTBE decreased when there was co-existing MTBE and BTEX, compared to having just MTBE present. The growth of indigenous microorganisms was not affected in the case of the MTBE treatment, whereas the growth of the microorganisms was decreased in combined MTBE and BTEX sample. This may indicate that an inhibitor related to biodegradation when BTEX and MTBE are mixed will be found. This inhibitor may be found to retard the anaerobic conditions needed for efficient breakdown of these complex carbon chain molecules in-situ. Moreover, it is also possible that an unknown competitive reaction is being imposed on the interactions between MTBE and BTEX dependent on conditions, ratios of mixture, etc.

Keywords: Gasoline oxygenate additives;Natural attenuation;BTEX;Anaerobic degradation;Gasoline contaminated soil;

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This Article

  • 2016; 21(3): 88-94

    Published on Jun 30, 2016

  • 10.7857/JSGE.2016.21.3.088
  • Received on May 17, 2016
  • Revised on May 23, 2016
  • Accepted on May 31, 2016